
Payroll Software

With Smart Pay, it is all done for you!

Payroll is core to business, it doesn’t have to be hard. With Smart Pay everything is at your fingertips tips.

With desktop software you need to get it installed on your computer, setup a backup, and keep up with updates. Then, after all that, you still need to manually archive everything to a filing cabinet to keep a long term record.

With Smart Pay, it is all done for you!

  • Device: If you don’t want a desktop computer, now it’s optional! Smart Pay works just as well on an iPad or a phone.
  • Security: Full encryption to keep your employee’s data safe.
  • Payslips: Payslips are delivered automatically by email out of the box. The monthly walk around the office is now optional!
  • Backup: As a hosted solution, your data is fully versioned and backed-up every night.
  • Update: Software updates happen seamlessly in the background. So you are always on the latest version.
  • Tax Rates: Updated tax rates are added for you as soon as they are released, no more manually updating each year.
  • Isle of Man: We calculate the payroll using Manx Tax rules. So you don’t need to work around a UK solution.
  • Changes: All changes are saved and versioned. So no matter what you can always go back to where you were.
  • Your Data: If you want a copy of every payslip and report sent out. You can. In a single click! It’s your data, and we respect that.

You can still keep the filing cabinet if you want. But now that is up to you!